



Letter to the Editor, Farmville Herald

Dear Editor:

This letter is in response to "Theistic Evolution." Written by Joe Grace, January 25, 2006.

First, to reject Darwinian evolution is a recognition of reality, not a rejection of it. We should understand that micro-evolution takes place constantly; that is, black cows and white cows mix, therefore, producing a mix of black and white cows. However, we also know from reality, that macro-evolution, the crossing of species such as dogs and cats, does not take place. Until such mixing can be verifiably demonstrated, Darwin's theory of evolution is nothing more than imagination run wild. It is pure fiction, not science.

The theory of evolution has no answer to the question, Where did life come from? It assumes life and then launches into uncontrolled human speculation, based on fancy, not experimentation. For example, Dr. Lynn Helena Caporale's book DARWIN IN THE GENOME, is a perfect example of science based on fancy, not experimentation. She writes: "There was a moment in time when the dust itself edged, in slow motion, over a boundary into life." (Macmillan-Hill, p. 1.) Ms. Caporale, who took her Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of California, is therefore, a well-credentialed "scientist," who admits in the first sentence of her book, that she has no answer to the question: Where and How did life begin?

The issue of the length of days in Genesis 1, is also raised by Mr. Grace. Because God had the power to create the earth and all that was in it, could He not have done this within a succession of six literal days? If the days of Genesis are not literal, this would mean that the Sabbath, the 7th- day, would have been a long period of time, too. Nowhere in Scripture is there a suggestion that the weekly Sabbath was ever longer than twenty-four hours. For God, why is one creative act more difficult than the other? Are we humans, made of dust and loaned life for a season, to limit the power of our eternal Creator?
Next, let us address the question of "law and grace." Mr. Grace states that because we are saved by grace, there is no more need for law. Is this what Paul meant in Romans 6:14? Absolutely not.

To argue that Paul meant that there is no longer moral law is absurd. Earlier in Chapter 6, of Romans, Paul observes that once we are baptized into Christ, we have put on Christ and His new life, and we have left the life of sin behind. How were we able to put off the life of sin? We were able to do so by being repentant, converted, and baptized into the life of Christ. When this process takes place, we are no longer under the condemnation of the law, for the Grace of Christ has covered our sins. In verse 15, Paul asks, Shall we continue in sin because we are under grace and not under the law? His answer is: NO! We are to continue walking in the life of Christ.

The law and grace work together for our salvation. The moral law, Decalogue, points out sin in our lives, and this knowledge drives us to the foot of the Cross for forgiveness and salvation. Just as a mirror points out dirt on one's face, the Decalogue points out sin in one's life. Also, just as the mirror cannot remove the dirt from one's face, just so the law cannot remove sin from one's life. Soap and water remove the dirt; the grace of Christ removes sin from our lives. Remember, if there is no law, there is no sin, for sin is the transgression of the law. (1John 3:4.) In Romans 3:31, Paul tells us that faith does not make the law void; faith establishes the law. Paul teaches us that we are to follow the spirit of Christ, not the spirit of sin and self, (Galatians 5.)

If the law is done away with by grace, is it acceptable for us to kill, to lie, to murder, to dishonor our parents, to dishonor God's 7th-day Sabbath, to have other gods before our Creator, etc.? Of course not. Sin is the transgression of God's law.

The moral law points out sin; the grace of Christ covers that sin. The two work together for our salvation.

When we are converted (changed from sin and death to peace and life,) we submit our lives to Christ and enjoy His blessings of love, joy, peace, and patience.

Archer Mosley
Farmville, Virginia


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